Finding a Social Media Savvy Web Host or… planting your garden where it can grow

I am reading a great blog post, Time To Reconsider Your Web Host that you might like to review. It’s a bit techy but the important part has to do with making sure you have a web hosting company that understands the difference between: Freedom and Control.

Break down the fences...
Break down the fences...

It’s very 1.0 to try to keep your clients in a box and act like you are the Great and All Powerful Wizard… when it’s now a 2.0 world where everyone has the power to use free and open-source applications like WordPress. Now everyone can and should become a wizard. So…

Make sure your hosting company provides you with the keys to the car and is willing to let you drive it yourself if and when you decide to. This means: Getting an FTP user ID and password for full access to upload and download your site content at will. This is essential if you want to use WordPress plugins and themes. Look for a host that has cPanel which provides you with all sorts of tools to manage your email lists, autoresponders, MySQL databases and to look at your site traffic reports any time you want to.

There are plenty of places that will give you the keys to your own content management when you buy a hosting package. If they don’t then keep on looking for someone who will empower you – not impede you! I provide hosting for my clients with all of these services and more – including WordPress installation at… Call 920.839.9639 if you need help.

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