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[iframe” 120 240] When I published the book, “We Are Smarter Than Me” in 2007, I understood that in order for individuals and businesses to truly connect, they needed to be social, co-creative, open, rewarding, and evaluative (SCORE).  While this still remains the core of my business philosophy today, it occurred to me recently that there’s another element that is vital to the “WE” message: hope.

We live in a world that strives for interconnectedness, yet is still siloed in practice.  We search for community, yet often mistrust those who position themselves as community leaders.  We yearn for change, yet find ourselves skeptical of the unknown.  In short, we live in a world that is looking for hope and help, yet when offered, we are unsure of its sincereity.

What I’ve realized is that in order for the world to truly change, individuals must embrace a philosophy of hope. 

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